Members of the Institute are contributing to different aspects of the international discussions about outdoor adventure education and experiential learning. There are also some publications the Institute has published to stimulate the debate on special topics and some conference proceedings the Institute has edited.
Becker, P./Humberstone, B./Loynes, C./Schirp, J. (Eds): The Changing World of Outdoor Learning in Europe. London: Routledge 2018, 284 pages, ab 29,50€ (Routledge) (available at amazon)
Humberstone, B./Prince, H./Henderson, K.A.: Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies, London 2015, 530 pages, (available at Routledge)
Becker, P./Schirp, J.: Other Ways of Learning. The European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning 1996-2006, Marburg 2008, 375 pages, 20,00 EURO (available at amazon) (pdf-download Review of the Journal of Experiential Education)
Becker, P./Schirp, J./Weber, C.: Water – Space for Experiences. Youth and Outdoor Education in Europe, Marburg 2010, 170 pages, 17,00 EURO (available at amazon)
Backman, E./Humberstone, B./Loynes,C.: Urban nature: inclusive learning through youth work and school work, Stockholm 2014
Cooper, G (1998) Re-positioning outdoor education towards sustainable living, Report for the Mountain Leadership Training Board
Cooper, G. (1998) Outdoors with Young People-A Leader’s Guide to Outdoor Activities, the Environment and Sustainability, Russell House Publishing.
Cooper, G. (2016) Outdoor Education, Environment and Sustainability: youth, society and environment, In Humberstone, B., Prince, H. & Henderson, K. (Eds.) (2016) Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. Oxon, UK. Routledge.
Stuart, K./Maynard, L./Rouncefield, C.: Evaluation Practice for Projects with Young People: A Guide to Creative Research, London 2015, (available at amazon)
Rawles, K.: The Carbon Cycle (more)
Aesthetic Approaches in Outdoor Learning : A Handbook for Youth and Outdoor Leaders, ENOC partners – pdf download
Irvine, R.: Forest Craft, A child’s guide to whittling in the woodland, 2019 (more) (available at amazon)
Non- Formal Learning Through Outdoor Activities for Disabled People, Handbook, Partnership of “Breaking Barriers Networking” Project, pdf download
ELaDiNa – Early Language Development in Nature
Conference Proceedings
17th European Conference 2018 “The Mediation of Experiences by Technology in the Outdoors – Opening or Losing Connections with the World”. Held in Bohinj/Slovenia from 29th – 23rd September 2018 in cooperation with CŠOD, Slovenia (download pdf)
16th European Conference 2017 “Outdoor Atmospheres and Narratives: Connecting young people to the world”. Held in Plymouth/UK from 28th June – 02nd July 2017 in cooperation with University of St Mark and S. Johns (pdf download)
12th European Conference 2012 “Outdoor Learning as a means of promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles and social inclusion for young people“. Held in Derwent Water/UK on 26-30 October in cooperation with Derwent Hill Outdoor Education & Training Centre. For more information see the electronic conference proceedings (pdf-download).
11th European Conference 2011 “Into the woods. About the significance of woods and wilderness for Youth Work in Europe”. Held in Rautavaara/Finland on 7-10 October in cooperation with Metsäkartano Youth Center/Finland. Electronic conference proceedings: pdf-download: E-Book 11th European Conference 2011
10th European Conference 2010 “Encountering, Experiencing and Exploring Nature in Education“. Held in Planica/Slovenia on 22-25 September 2010 in cooperation with CSOD. For more information see the electronic conference proceedings
4th Eurocongress of the European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning, Other Ways of Learning. Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning in School and Youth Work Rimforsa in Sweden. “9th to 13. September 2000 (pdf-download)
Project Reports
Festeu, D./Humberstone, B.: Non-formal Education through Outdoor Activities Guide, 256 pages, Buckinghamshire 2006, pdf-download
The Real World Learning Network have published the educational model that is an outcome of their European wide study
Becker, P. (2021): Prof Peter Becker reflects on 25 years of the EOE Network, Memories (pdf-download)
Becker, P.: The European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning. A Report about the first Decade of its Existence (pdf-download)
Bowles, S.: The elemental-Nocturnal Prolongations (pdf-download)
Bowles, S.: Being: 101 Ways “Into The Woods” (pdf-download)
Chapman, L. (2012). Breaking Barriers: a journey of inclusion. Horizons 60; pp 25-27 (pdf-download)
Cooper, G. (2010) Outdoor Learning, Environment and Sustainability- Seeing the Big Picture, Part 1, Horizons, 49. Part 2, Horizons, 50.
Loynes, C.: Adventure in a Bun (pdf-download)
Loynes, C. & Pedersen Gurholt, K. (2017) The journey as a transcultural experience for international students. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2017.1337734
Loynes, C. & Towers, D. (2018) Finding New Ways: developing a co-constructed approach to excursions in Higher Education Journal of Experiential Education. DOI: 10.1177/1053825918808329