Transcultural European Outdoor studies (TEOS)
Sixteen students from fifteen countries across the world are now enjoying their second semester in Oslo, Norway as part of the unique Erasmus Mundus funded MA programme in Transcultural European Outdoor Studies. After three months in Ambleside, England exploring UK practice and the historical roots of outdoor education in Europe the group have put on their skis to examine the role of nature and to learn about Friluftsliv. In the autumn they will all travel to Marburg, Germany for their third semester before choosing where to study for their dissertation. Whilst in England the students were joined by the first visiting fellow of the programme, Keith Davids from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia who lectured on ‘Skill Acquistion’. Katerina Pata, from Greece, who previously studied to be a teacher, said “I like this course because I get a chance to go to three different countries and learn various approaches to the subject”. Recruitment for the second cohort has already closed with seventeen students from five continents offered places. Recruitment for the 2013 cohort will open in December 2012.
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